Allen Materia Medica Pdf Free Download

The book provides us wisdom to prescribe confidently like Dr. Choudhuri viewed the paths by different authorities.

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ISSN 2348-6880 /

A Study on Materia Medica: Dr. N. M. Choudhuri

Subhasish Ganguly1*, Supriya Pramanik2 , Pawan Sharma3

1. Professor and Head, Dept. of Organon of Medicine, D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical College

and Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal

2. Medical Officer (Homoeopathy), Laxminagar CGHS Wellness Centre, New Delhi, Ministry of

AYUSH, Govt. of India

3. Senior Research Fellow, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy; Former

Postgraduate Trainee, Department of Organon of Medicine, D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical

College and Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal

*Correspondence :

Publisher: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Year: 1990

Edition: Reprint, Revised (2006)

ISBN: 8170210399, 9788170210399

Length: 1147 pages

Price: Rs. 260/-


Since Hahnemann‟s time, we are correlating

the symptoms of the patients with the drug

symptoms. Art of prescribing and case

perceiving is the basis to reach the

„similimum through totality. This is the

beauty of homoeopathic philosophy that we

can reach similia through totality from

different angles. Though angles of

prescription are different, we may reach the

„similimum‟ in one point. One can prescribe

in a way where complete symptoms are

available. One can prescribe through Kent‟s

method. Where mental symptoms are

lacking, one may start with physical

general, then particular symptoms. Where

both mental and physical symptoms are

lacking, selection may be based on a

striking, peculiar as a key symptom and

then medicines are differentiated by the

help of other symptoms. In cases where

advanced pathological signs are presenting

only the common symptoms we can

prescribe with the help of past history,

family history, temperament, constitution,

organ affinity and probable etiological

factors. Dr. N. M. Choudhuri illustrates

every aspect of angle of prescribing either

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through his own acumen or with the help of

burning example of those stalwarts, who

made him Dr. N. M. Choudhuri.

I want to switch on citing a cure of the most

marvelous description that Dr. Allen

effected while Dr. Choudhuri was yet a

student, studying medicine at his feet. It

was in the case of a very near and dear

relation of Dr. Choudhuri, who was suffering

from a most persistent, distressing colic for

years, which various doctors diagnosed,

differently and none agreed as to its real

nature. After years of unavailing sorrow and

suffering and failure of every other

treatment, he brought this to Dr. Allen‟s

notice in Chicago where N.M. Choudhuri

was a medical student at that time. He sent

one single dose of


CM, packed

nicely in an envelope to the patient in India.

Since that day the patient had been having

unfailing health and there had not been a

vestige of pain from the time he took that

solitary dose of medicine till the present

moment. That colic was the after-effect,

which none but Dr. Allen appreciated, of a

suppression of the most distressing,

maddening, tormenting eczema that the

gentleman had for years on his scrotum with

the intense scratching used to drive him

almost to despair and which he suppressed

by the application of many external and

soothing ointments. The second reason that

probably prompted Dr. Allen to make this

choice was the peculiar mental attitude

already referred to in this lecture. The

patient was in total despair about his

recovery and had even a suicidal tendency.

The third ground for this prescription was

probably the want of reactive power on the

part of the patient or else why did he suffer

so long and all remedies, even homoeopathic

ones, prescribed by responsible doctors,

some of which were well indicated, failed to

bring him the desired relief.

The potency for suppuration or

absorption of abscess

A great difference of opinion prevails

amongst several authorities regarding the

potency for suppuration or absorption of

abscess. Dr. Choudhuri likes to put down all

the opinions of stalwarts from he learned

rather than burdened his own. Dr.

Farrington says: "

If you give it in high

potency when the throbbing, stabbing pains

in the affected part and the general rigor

show the onset of inflammation, it may

abort the whole trouble. In other cases if you

see that suppuration is necessary, and wish

to hasten the process, then you give Hepar


. Drs. Allen and Norton seem to think in

the same way. There are others again like

Drs. Clarke and Nash that differ. We are

also inclined to believe that the indicated

medicine works with nature and promotes

either absorption or suppuration as the

vitality demands. Dr. Nash makes mention

of a case in which the cm. potency of this

remedy brought about "

the most rapid

pointing, opening and perfect healing

". Dr.

Clarke mentions another case of "

an axillary

abscess with a large collection of pus

" in

which Hepar 6C induced the most striking


Dr. L. P. Foster's opinion on the


He makes difference between Kali sulph.

and Calc. Sulph with Hepar sulp: "



." , he says, "

acts on the epidermis,


calc. sulph.

acts very much the same

as Hep. sulph. only

more deeply.

Hepar acts

on abscesses before they open, Calc sulph.


". Foster mentions a case of multiple

ulcers in the gluteal region of a lady about 3

inches in diameter and three-fourth of an

inch deep that he cured with Calc sulph.

Practical experiences of Dr. N. M.


Acalypha indica: Dr. N.M.Choudhuri

said, "I have used this remedy with

great satisfaction in hemoptysis of

phthisis. There is dullness of chest

on percussion. Patients complaining

of severe pain in chest, progressive

ISSN 2348-6880 /

emaciation, night sweat, evening

rise of temperature, all indicating a

serious stage, have been helped by

the administration of Acalypha".

Aethusa in want of the power of

concentration: Dr. Clarke

recommends it highly in patients

suffering from want of the power of

concentration. He mentions of a

young undergraduate in whom with

Aethusa he helped to bring back his

long-lost power of concentration.

Filix mass in Tapeworm: According

to Hering, the tincture must be

prepared from the fresh root, and

the best time for its application in

tapeworm is summer, as the root can

be obtained fresh at that time. It

also causes atrophy of the optic

nerve, leading on to blindness, and

hence it should be used with great


Diarrhoea of Jalapa: Jalapa helped

him to treat a case of entero-colitis

in a little baby of about seven

summers. The baby came to him

from allopathic hands after three

months of prolonged diarrhoea. The

baby was so emaciated and feeble

that it was a piteous object to look at

and the poor thing was constantly

undergoing contortions of the body,

due most probably to a colic to which

it was a constant subject. Jalapa

cured the childs diarrhoea and

relieved the colic.

The book is wonderful collection of lectures

by Dr. N.M. Choudhuri. He has given a brief

of all the drugs in a study format starting

from its Source, Description and goes ahead

to form a clinical picture and describes the

personality in a beautiful approach through

the most prominent, most verified

characteristic features. The instances of

cases given are also praiseworthy which

show the realistic aspect of the drug. The

comparative study given is also in very

simple language to make possible it to be

easily comprehensible and assimilation. A

great deal of unnecessary and

unauthenticated matter has been left out, to

make the Repertory portion useful and easy

of reference. A great friend & sincere well

wisher predicted for 1st edition of this book


it will at least be popular amongst vermin if

not amongst human being



The life work of the student of the

homoeopathy is one of the constant

comparison and differentiation. He must

compare the pathogenesis of a remedy with

the recorded anamnesis of the patient. He

must differentiate the apparently similar

symptoms of two or more medicinal agents

in order to select similimum. We have much

more from this book to compare remedies.

Some examples may illustrate the idea

about comparisons.


and other

remedies for marasmus of children:



Antim. crud


Baryta carb


Calcarea carb






Natrum mur









are important remedies to be

remembered in this connection. In



with the emaciation we have immoderate

vomiting of milk immediately after nursing.

The same emaciation, the same want of

power to hold the head up are present but

the great intolerance of milk should always

be our guide in its selection. In



, we have the vomiting of food and

drink, we have the watery diarrhoea, but

the ugliness and peevishness of the child,

the want of animal heat and the heavy

milky or the milk-white coating of the

tongue should help us in our selection.

Baryta carb

. is indicated when in addition to

the general emaciation we have the

immature and dwarfed mental condition of

the child to think of. A general tendency

towards swelling of cervical and other

glands is also to be noticed in this remedy.


Calcarea carb,

the emaciation is more

marked in tissues other than adipose. The

muscles and the bones suffer before the fatty

tissues are affected. There is a general

ISSN 2348-6880 /

deceptive appearance of plumpness about

this child. Profuse sweat especially in the

head, crusta lactea, engorgement of glands,

especially the mesenteric, sour pungent

clayey diarrhoea and great craving for eggs

are prominent symptoms.


is inferior

the none in marasmus but the itching of the

anus, the wetting of the bed, and presence of

worms in the stools, the beastly temper, the

constant picking of the nose and a strong

desire on the part of the child to be

constantly rocked are guiding indications.


is indicated when the hunger is

excessive and the child wants to eat


Natrum mur.

, a great remedy at

all times, is particularly indicated in

marasmus when atrophy is more marked in

the throat and neck of children. The mapped

tongue, herpes labialis, marked repugnance

to bread; sadness, profuse sweating,

palpitation and constipation are sure

indications for Natrum mur.



indicated in marasmus when the patient is

subject to a peculiar type of diarrhoea,

harassing all day long but mostly absent at

night time. The other prominent symptoms

are a marked odour of garlic in the breath

and faeces of the patient, aversion to fresh

air, a marked tendency for eczema,

excoriating cracks and bleeding rhagades.


is used in children growing

over-tall but slender. The pot belliedness,

the pale waxy countenance, the delicate

eyelashes and soft hair, a frequent tendency

for diarrhoea where stools pour away like

water from a hydrant, the great tendency for

affection of bones, the strong craving for cold

iced drinks are symptoms too definite to be



is generally called

for in very pronounced cases of marasmus

where the disease is fully developed. The

emaciation is extreme, the face looks

shriveled, the skin lies into folds, and

eruptions are prone to appear on tongue and

roof of mouth. Offensive sweat about

genitals, restlessness before passing of

urine, passing of great quantity of sand in

the urine are also characteristic of this



is indicated in nervous,

irritable, timid children who though wasting

everywhere present an exceedingly large

head. Malnutrition is marked everywhere in

Silicea. A great aversion to mother's milk is

also noticed.


though coming last in

this list is not second in importance to any.

In fact it is used oftener than many of the

other remedies mentioned in this list.

Nobody can mistake a Sulphur baby. There

is nothing inviting about him. The skin is

dry, harsh and wrinkled giving the child an

old man look. Eczema, itch, eruptions,

enlargement of the glands, obstinate

constipation and persistent diarrhoea, a

never-to-be -forgotten nauseous smell, dirt

and filth speak of an ugliness that is only to

be encountered in Sulphur.


Dreams, to a homoeopath, are often quite

guiding. They give us a far better insight

into the deeper nature of our patient than

many of the so called symptoms that crop up

and float on the surface to meet our

superficial gaze. It is not for nothing that

dreams differ. Some dream of accidents,

others of amorous subjects, others again of

topics of varied nature each dream in its

turn specifies a particular temperament, or

more correctly a special deviation of the

individual from the normal. Important cures

have been recorded, based on dreams alone.

Repertory part

A short and a concise Repertory have been

affixed to help in the study of the Materia

Medica. The method followed has been the

usual one of the organs in order of their

natural arrangement. Kent, Kneer, Lippe,

Boenninghausen, Boericke and other

popular authors have been consulted. A

great deal of unnecessary and

unauthenticated matter has been left out, to

make the Repertory portion useful and easy

of reference. The reason why a Repertory

has been added to this volume is because

practical Homoeopathy is identical with

Repertory practice.

ISSN 2348-6880 /


Negligence and inaptitude in handling

Repertory are frequently the causes of

unsuccess of many amongst us. The proper

understanding and management of the

Homoeopathic Materia Medica is a

stupendous task. As has been mentioned

repeatedly, it is a philosophy and a science

combined in one. It needs the best brain, the

coolest judgment, and an untiring and

endless endeavour to master it even

partially, and Repertory forms a valuable

aid in achieving this object


The index is arranged alphabetically but the

chapters are not arranged in this manner.

Total numbers of pages of this repertory are

215 (from page 835 to page 1049 of this

book). There are only 2 grades in this

repertory. Typography is


(1st grade)

and Roman (2nd grade).

Criticism and conclusion

Symptoms of

Aranea diadema

has been

described in this book as "very efficacious in

headache and confusion of head brought

about and aggravated by smoking". On the

contrary, Boericke‟s Materia Medica

describes it as "greatly relieved by the open

air", which is in as " it is very efficacious in

headache and confusion of head which is by

relieved by smoking and the open air" .

Correction should be considered in



, where the given introduction is of

Holy Basil which is actually the common

name of

Ocimum sanctum

. The actual

Ocimum canum

is Brazilian



Kala Tulsi

. Difference should be made

clearly between

Tarentula hispanica


Tarentula cubensis


In the end, it could be concluded that this

book provides us wisdom to prescribe

confidently like Dr. Choudhuri viewed the

paths by different authorities.


1. Allen HC. Key Notes and

characteristics with comparisons of the

Leading Remedies of the Materia

Medica. Reprint of 8th ed . New Delhi: B.

Jain publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2004.

2. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of

Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Comprising the Characteristic and

guiding symptoms of all Remedies

[Clinical and Pathogenetic]. 9th ed .

Calcutta: Modern Homoeopathic

Publication; 1997.

3. Chaudhuri NM. A Study on Materia

Medica. Reprint Edition. B. Jain

Publishers (P) Ltd; 2002.

Cite this article as: Ganguly S, Pramanick S, Sharma

P. Book review: A study on Materia Medica by N. M.

Choudhury. National Homoeo Recorder


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